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Full time registered graduate student
Professor / Researcher
Last name:
First name:
Country of citizenship:
Date of birth:
HEC Montréal ID number, if available:
as indicated in official document (eg : passport)
dd mm yyyy
Choose a gender Male Female Other
Street name and number :
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Province / State :
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Enter the international dialing code of your country
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Department :
Province / State
Are you currently attending a university?
Yes No
Which university are you attending ?
What subjects are you studying ?
When do you expect to receive your degree ?
Are you applying for an HEC Montréal scholarship ?
mm yyyy
Please list all universities or educational institutions attended, starting with the most recent**.
** Candidates who do not hold an undergraduate degree but have solid professional experience in management or in fields relevant to the Summer School in Management of Creativity and Innovation academic content, are invited to submit their application.
Mother tongue :
For other languages, please evaluate your level of proficiency :
Using only six (6) words, please describe yourself in the following space :
Your academic institution
Your work institution
Internet search
Facebook / Social media
Aquaintance (friend, alumni, colleague, etc.)
Full-time graduate students must obtain a reference letter by a professor.
The letter of reference must be signed, dated and returned directly by the referee:
By fax: +1 514 340 6987
By e-mail:
Official transcripts from all universities attended sent to:
Yes, I have read the General Information and the Cancellation Policy.
By pressing the Submit button, I authorize HEC Montréal to create a file containing my personal information. This personal information will be confidential and will be used for the evaluation of my application and admission to the Summer School in Management of Creativity and Innovation, as well as for all related follow-up issues. This personal information will be managed in accordance with the law of the province of Quebec, Canada.